
Coaching Options

There are three Coaching Tiers to choose, each designed according to your goals and need for coaching interaction

Designed for cycling enthusiasts who wish to improve their overall fitness or prepare for one events such as a Sportive, "Gran Fondo" or cycling holidays.
  • - Annual Training Plan
  • - Individualised Training Blocks
  • - Monthly Performance Management Reviews
  • - Strength and Conditioning
  • Go To Option
The Standard Tier is designed for socially competitive aspiring athletes and club-level riders   Our clients tell us that this is our best value option.
  • Basic, Plus
  • - Power, Heart Rate and Cadence Profiling
  • - Weekly Performance Management Reviews
  • - Physiology Analysis
  • Go To Option
The option is designed for competitive cyclists who compete in events such as Triathlons, Crits, Gran Fondos and multi-day challenges.
  • Standard, Plus
  • - Unlimited WKO5 Analysis
  • - Unlimited Performance Management Reviews
  • - Specific Race/Event Preparation
  • Add to cart

Basic Tier

The Basic Tier option is designed for the cycling enthusiast who wishes to improve their overall fitness or prepare for one or more cycling events such as a Sportive, "Gran Fondo" or cycling holiday.

The coaching package includes goal setting from which we create an annual training plan based on developing base aerobic fitness followed by building power, speed, stamina, endurance, concentrating on areas you wish to improved such as hill climbing.  

The coach will review your baseline and develop workouts that give you progressive fitness and performance improvements, with. weekly reviews to track progress and provide feedback. 

We find that to prevent avoidable injuries it is important to have a good level of mobility, flexibility and stability; we therefore offer optional yoga sessions that are only 15 minutes in duration to help you warmup, or simply to address areas of tightness in your body.

We also offer options for WKO5 analysis through the upgrade to the Standard Tier (see below for more information)

For Cycling Enthusiasts 
  • Goal Planning 
  • Mesocycle Planning (Base/Build/Peak)
  • Strength and Conditioning (Basic)
  • Performance Management (WKO5)
  • TrainingPeaks Basic Account
  • Individualised Annual Training Plan
  • Weekly Workout Reviews and Feedback 
  • Technology Advice (Equipment, Apps, etc)
  • Optional Yoga
  • Optional TrainingPeaks Premium
  • Select Option

Standard Tier

The Standard Tier is designed for socially competitive  aspiring athletes and club-level riders (you do not have to be a club member),   Our clients tell us that this is  our best value option.

It includes the Basic Tier services plus physiological analysis of how your individual power curve   which highlights your strengths and limiters in terms of power and fatigue resistance. 

The service also includes monthly reviews and feedback on your workouts (24 hours is our aim); you will also get weekly feedback on the deep dive analysis from WKO5 which includes (equipment allowing),pedal stroke analysis, FTP and Vo2Max analysis,  fatigue resistance and power profiling. 

Workouts are adjusted according to your individual performance profile so that there is never a session that is doesn't offer benefit or is beyond your capabilities. 

Note that WKO5 and Yoga for Performance are included in the Standard Tier. 
For Competition-Aspiring Club-Level Cyclists
  • Basic Tier, Plus
  • Physiology Analysis (FTP/FRC/TTE/Pmax) (*) 
  • Power Profiling (Limiters and Strengths) 
  • Monthly Facetime/Zoom Reviews
  • Freshness vs. Recovery Analysis
  • Weekly WKO5 Performance Analysis
  • Yoga15 for Performance and Recovery
  • *Note : requires smart trainer or power meter

  • Options

Unlimited Tier

The option is designed for competitive cyclists who compete in events such as Triathlons, Crits, Gran Fondos and multi-day challenges. 

It includes all the services offered in the Standard Tier with the added benefit of unlimited access to the coach, with workout feedback provided within 12 hours (timezones permitting). 

In addition we will provide you with a race/event specific plan to prepare you to be in peak form in time for the event.
For Competitive Cyclists (Cat 4 and Cat5)
  • Standard Tier, Plus
  • Unlimited Communication (Calls/Email/WhatsApp) 
  • Unlimited WKO5 Performance Analysis 
  • Specific Event/Race Training Plan
  • Unlimited Training Plan Updates 
  • Unlimited Training Plan Updates 
  • Unlimited Workout Reviews


Basic Tier
£90 per Month
For Cycling Enthusiasts
  • Goal Planning
  • Mesocycle-based Workouts
  • Strength and Conditioning Sessions
  • Performance Management
  • TrainingPeaks Premium Edition
  • Technology Advice (Apps, Equipment, etc)
  • Individualised Annual Training Plan
  • Workout Reviews and Feedback (WhatsApp)
  • Options for Yoga and WKO5 Analysis
  •                                  Options
Standard Tier
£129 per Month
For Competition-Aspiring Club-Level Cyclists
  • Basic Tier, Plus
  • Physiology Analysis (FTP/FRC/TTE/Pmax) (*)
  • Power Profiling (Limiters and Strengths)
  • Individualised Workouts 
  • Monthly Facetime/Zoom Reviews
  • Freshness vs. Recovery Analysis (inc. ithlete HRV subscription)
  • Weekly WKO5 Performance Analysis
  • Yoga15 for Performance and Recovery
  • *Note : requires smart trainer or power meter
  • Options
Unlimited Tier
£159 per Month
For Competitive Cyclists (Cat 4 and Cat5)
  • Standard Tier, Plus
  • Unlimited Communication (Calls/Email/WhatsApp)
  • Unlimited WKO5 Performance Analysis
  • Specific Event/Race Training Plan
  • Unlimited Training Plan Updates
  • Unlimited Workout Reviews
